Monday, December 17, 2007

School Construction

School Construction Assessment with the Sea Bees in Comoros. The two civilians are from the State Department.


Anonymous said...

Looks pretty cool. So what do you get to do for the construction? They teaching you to weld or something? ;-) Keep up the good work...

Anonymous said...

Actually, I can't take credit for any of this. All I do is fly stuff to these folks actually doing the work. The last thing they want (or need) is me welding a hammer. Got mad skills with airplanes and helicopters, not so much with tools.

Anonymous said...

That makes sense. Well having the right equipment is half of getting the job done, so I think it still counts! You'll have to post some more pix as construction moves along. T-minus 5 days and counting for Christmas

Anonymous said...


Merry Christmas! I hope Santa was good to you in Djibouti! Ho! Ho! Ho!

Love and Miss you,

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Al.
Hope you had a good one!
We'd love to read about how you and your team spent it.
Do Djiboutians believe in Santa?
-Anna and Brent