Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Gulu Pictures

Above: Village at Gulu Above: The Kids at Gulu hamming it up!
These photos were taken at Gulu, and are of the village just across from the air strip.
I have more pictures, but I am having trouble uploading them. More to follow.


Anonymous said...

Cool. Thanks for sharing these images. Let me know if you need help with additional images.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

How come those kids arn't out playing soccer? They should be covered up in soccer balls by now.
Keep up the good work.

Big Al said...

Anonymous...right on target. The Kids dont have soccer balls due to the fact we had no pumps yet...at the time these pictures were taken,we had plenty of balls and no pumps. However, we have already targeted the village of Gulu...a VETCAP team is there now, hading out balls. We are waiting for the pivtures....plus, we will be going back as a crew in the near future.

Anonymous said...

do you think you all need more pumps?
awesome pics.
I can't believe you swam with WHALE SHARKS!!

Unknown said...

Hi Al,
congrats on the promotion