02 November 2007
Ok, sorry about the delay in updating the Blog. I have had a few technical difficulties and have been a little busy. So I thought I would add some pictures to give you all a feel for how life is here at Camp Lemonier and finish up the trip over. The mission here is keeping us busy, with the Navy getting alot of utilization out of both airplanes, they are keeping is pretty busy.
We are flying all over the Horn of Africa, which is good as it keeps us busy. It is starting to cool off a bit here. When we first arrived in Camp Lemonier the high temps during the day would routinely hit the 110 mark. It was hot, dry and dusty. The temperature is moderating a bit, with daytime highs now around the 100 degree mark.
These pictures are from Troon Scotland.
hahah, I just went to the blog to ask you if that Castle was where you were staying! hahah. I was looking at it thinking "wow, Africa is a lot greener than I had pictured!"
Glad to see that you're up and running. Hope the airplane is up and running also. Nice to see all the pictures of the beach and the boats etc. This is a hardship tour ins't it? Nice luxury quarters too. Why no pictures of the living room, dining room and the study? Take care.
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