Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!



Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Al!! We miss you here - we'll set a place for you *smile*.

I hope the military gives you a good meal. You're in my thoughts.


Anonymous said...

I'll have you know I got in trouble for sending this link to your bride and causing her eyes to well up.

I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving. Even though you are far from home we will be thinking of you while eating Thanksgiving dinner at your new dining room set:)

By the way, did you and your squad get one of those Thank You letters Q100 had listeners write so that every soldier deployed throughout the world would have a thank you from home for Thanksgiving?

Don't eat too much turkey....need to save room for pumpkin pie:)

Anonymous said...

We get ALOT of mail thanks to you all...some of the guys in my unit have actually said "Al, if it weren't for your friends I wouldn't get any mail at all!!!"
So Thank you all!!!

Anonymous said...


Happy Thanksgiving Sweetie!!! I miss you so much! The miltary will try, but the meal just won't be the same!!!