Thursday, October 18, 2007

Troon Scotland

Our stay in Scotland was fantastic. The afternoon of our arrival, the clouds broke and we had perfect weather for our overnight there. From what I understand that the weather here is picky, so we were lucky to catch this great country under sunny skies.
We flew into the airport at Prestwick and the controllers sound so PROPER over the radio. They are somewhat hard to understand and the ICAO phraseology takes a little getting used to, but all in all it’s pretty much the same as flying in the US. Filing flight plans, however, is an entirely different thing……
We stayed in the Scottish town of Troon, which is world famous to all the golfers out there. Troon is great…it’s exactly what you think of when you think of a small town on the coast of Scotland. The town itself is very neat, with small grey building and cottages with narrow streets filled with traffic round-abouts. Being the UK they drive on the left side of the road, so you have to keep telling yourself “left left left” while you are driving. It takes some getting used to.
We had a great time sightseeing. We went to Castle Cullean (pronounced Ki-ll-ean) which dates back to the 12th century. It has been transformed over time into a manor house that is pretty spectacular. We investigated the country side and explored the ruins of a castle dating to the Dark Ages. And, of course, we hit up the local pubs. Pubs in the UK are nothing like the loud, smoke-filled places in the US. People from the town gather in the pubs to catch up, socialize and watch football (soccer) and rugby. Its great- you can actually talk and carry on a conversation. Not to mention that the beer is fantastic-the Guinness tastes so much better here than in the states for some reason.


Crazy Soldier Supporter said...

It sounds like a place to put on my places to visit before I die list.

Where are the pictures?

Your crazy soldier supporter

Anonymous said...

Troon is almost as fun to say as Jabootiiii! We love the stories and want to hear more! Like Stephanie said, "where are the pictures?"

We're thinking about you!

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly , Stace -

Hey Al, where are the pictures?


Anonymous said...

You have such a talent for writing your excapades...Is there a place for beer in Africa?
Do take care and relax a small bit when you can.
Trick or treat time! At least you will miss all the craziness of that in the Atlanta area!
Looking for an update...once a week now that you are on the ground? Finally!

Anonymous said...

It's been weeks since you left Troon - it's time for an update and pictures....your fans await!

Deatial, Details....

Anonymous said...

Sounds pretty cool. Birthplace of golf, Guinness on draft, cool accents. It just doesn't get any better than that! Hope you had a good stay in Scotland a1nd we look forward to hearing more soon...

Anonymous said...

You are the first real person I know that has been to Djibouti!
Jabooty! Jabooty!
People at the office think I'm a weenie because I walk around saying that sometimes. But how can you not? It's so fun.
Anyway, I agree with everyone else in saying, "Please Sir, may we have more?"

Anonymous said...

Hey Al -
Lots of good stuff so far on this site! But I am with the rest of 'em - where is our update? Did you experience trick or treat in a foreign country? Has it been hot or cold there...ok so at least you have a few more questions to answer, so good reason to write more...and don't worry Stacey is keeping very busy -not spending money - but busy!

Angie M.