Friday, October 5, 2007

Goose Bay Redux

We have arrived back into Goose Bay. Except for a few minor problems, the airplane seems to be behaving itself and we arrived back in Goose Bay Labrador this afternoon. The weather was perfect for flying as we took off from Otis AFB. We had unrestricted visibility and no clouds. In fact we got a spectacular aerial view of Cape Cod and most of New England as we turned northward towards Goose Bay. It was sad saying Good Bye to the USA but it was also a great feeling to FINALLY be on our way across the Atlantic.
After an a pretty good flight (well, mostly good, we did have one small maintenance hiccup) we dipped below a small over cast layer at about 4000 feet to fly a spectacular approach landing to the East at Goose Bay Airport. We flew in over the same river that we had seen the waterfall on several days before-and it was just as spectacular from the air as it was from the ground.
We had our overnight at the Hotel North, which is a great hotel located right outside the airfield gate. I have to say, the rooms are nice and the food at the restaurant is excellent.
While we are on the subject, I would like to say a few things about the people and town of Goose Bay. Everyone that we met there was extremely friendly and helpful. It’s nice to see a small town largely unspoiled by the modern hustle and bustle.
I would like to offer special thanks to the nice folks at Woodward Aviation, the local FBO that took care of us while we were broken. They have superior service and made things a lot easier on us.
All in all, it looks like a great place to live-great wide open spaces, plenty of things to outdoors if you don’t mind the cold.
We had uneventful overnight. One thing though-on our way to dinner, it started raining. Hard-this wasn’t too great because we all had left our wet weather gear back in the airplane. Shortly after that it began sleeting. This would be Mother Nature’s way of telling us it’s time to get on with this business of crossing the ocean before we caught up by the winter. I don’t know if it’s possible to mount skis on a Metro liner or not.

More to come....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh it is good to hear from you again. So glad you are finally getting to go up up and away!
Can not wait to read the next chapter in this saga...though I know it didn't start out to be a saga.
Good luck crossing the pond, this is a rougher time of the year but you will do fine!
Take care and stay healthy DT